

An enhanced version of the solution for the challenge titled Simple Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from

by Adam Ross DeStafeno

Demo | Solution | Challenge


Table of Contents


   A basic FAQ page for a generic business, this repository builds on the previously submitted solution for the “Simple FAQ Challenge” presented by DevChallenges. The project is designed to showcase a responsive FAQ component that can be easily integrated into various web applications.

   The solution uses modern HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (ES6+) technologies to create a lightweight yet visually pleasing FAQ component. It follows best practices for front-end development, including semantic HTML structure, modular CSS organization, and a reusable JavaScript function.

This project demonstrates proficiency in:

   The project that can be used to enhance the UI. is designed to be easily customizable and can be further extended with additional features such as localization support or integration with backend APIs.

What I learned

Useful resources


Project Structure

Built with

Author Credits

This repository</i> is…

- - by Adam Ross DeStafeno


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